Thursday, December 16, 2010
when othello arrives, greets his wife, and announces that there will be celebration that evening to celebrate Cyprus’s safety from the Turks. once alone Roderigo goes to Iago to complain that there is no chance of of breaking up Othello's marriage. . Iago assures Roderigo that as soon as Desdemona loses interest in othello she will seek pleasure elsewhere because it is only natural. However, Iago tells him that he thinks that Desdemona likes Cassio. Iago convinces Roderigo that he should ruin cassios name by starting a fight with him at the party. In a soliloquy, Iago explains to the audience that taking Cassio out of the picture is the first crucial step in his plan to ruin Othello. on the night of the party, Iago gets Cassio drunk and then sends Roderigo to start a fight with him. Apparently provoked by Roderigo, Cassio chases Roderigo across the stage. Governor Montano attempts to hold Cassio down, and Cassio stabs him. Iago sends Roderigo to raise alarm in the town.
Friday, December 10, 2010
The next day when in Cyprus, two men stand on the shore with Montano, the governor of Cyprus. A third gentleman joins them to report that the Turkish fleet has been destroyed in a storm at sea. Cassio on board of one of the ships, were lucky and did not suffer the same fate as the Turkish fleet, arrives soon after, followed by a another ship that did not suffer the same fate as well, ship carrying Iago, Roderigo, Desdemona, and Emilia, Iago’s wife. Once they have landed, Othello’s ship is sighted, and the group goes to the dock. As they wait for Othello, Cassio greets Desdemona by taking hold of her hand. Watching them, Iago enters a colloquy that he will use “as little a web as this” hand-holding get revenge on Cassio.
Brabantio’s plan backfires. the duke give othello a chance to speak. Given a chance to speak for himself, Othello explains that he earnd her love, not by the things barbantio is accusing him of but with the stories of his adventures in travel and war. The duke finds Othello’s explanation convincing, and Desdemona herself enters at this point to defend her choice in marriage and to tells to her father that her loyalty is now to her husband. Brabanzio is frustrated, but takes his leave and allows the senate meeting to resume. The duke says that Othello must go to Cyprus to help in the struggle between the Turks, who are headed for the island. Desdemona insists that she joins her husband on his trip, and preparations are made for them to depart that night.
iago, preteneding to be othellos faithful supporter, warns othello that barbantion will attempt to breack up the marrige. othello is confident that his service to venice and his noble descent will amke all well. cassio arrives on an urgent mission from the duke to find othello he reports that war is imminent and the senate urgently needs othello. iago tells cassio of othello's marriage. barbantio abuses othello and physically threatens him. he accuses othello of enchanting desdemona with bad magic and drugs, and orders his arrest. othello reacts calmly. barbantio is certain that the duke will decide in his favour. and thats the end of scenne 2. so the thing that just happened is barbatio is now coming after othello to take his daughter back. and othello is then asked for his help in some kind of war.
Friday, December 3, 2010
so i am finally at the point of my blogs where i am going to talk about the plot of Othello. its kind of hard to understand the old English in that book. but once you get to know what the words means its actually a good play. so here we go:
act 1 scene 1
Venice a street a night
so the book starts out with Roderigo and Iago arguing about something. Roderigo accuses of Iago cheating him. Iago on the other hand is angry about failing to get the promotion over a person named Micheal Cassio. Iago continues to complain about "the moor"(Othello) and his promotion selection. says he pretends to be a faithful officer, but follows Othello only to serve his own purposes. Iago suggests a way of taking revenge against Othello , they shout in the street out Barbantio's(Desdemona's father) house and tell him the news that he has been robbed (Othello took Desdemona's hand in marriage in secret). Barbantio suspects the two men are drunk. he learns Roderigo's name but not Iago's. Iago obscenely tells him that Desdemona and Othello ARE HAVING SEX. He also says that their babies will be animals. Roderigo tell Barbantio that Desdemona has run away to live with Othello. Barbantio leaves to check his home to see if the story is true, he states that he has already seen this happen in his dreams. Iago slips away, not wishing to be identified as a trouble maker. Barbantio discovers his daughter is indeed missing. he goes off with Roderigo to seek assistance from neighbours and the police.
act 1 scene 1
Venice a street a night
so the book starts out with Roderigo and Iago arguing about something. Roderigo accuses of Iago cheating him. Iago on the other hand is angry about failing to get the promotion over a person named Micheal Cassio. Iago continues to complain about "the moor"(Othello) and his promotion selection. says he pretends to be a faithful officer, but follows Othello only to serve his own purposes. Iago suggests a way of taking revenge against Othello , they shout in the street out Barbantio's(Desdemona's father) house and tell him the news that he has been robbed (Othello took Desdemona's hand in marriage in secret). Barbantio suspects the two men are drunk. he learns Roderigo's name but not Iago's. Iago obscenely tells him that Desdemona and Othello ARE HAVING SEX. He also says that their babies will be animals. Roderigo tell Barbantio that Desdemona has run away to live with Othello. Barbantio leaves to check his home to see if the story is true, he states that he has already seen this happen in his dreams. Iago slips away, not wishing to be identified as a trouble maker. Barbantio discovers his daughter is indeed missing. he goes off with Roderigo to seek assistance from neighbours and the police.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
-i know this is my second blog today and i think I'm done with my fillers actually. even thou there were only like two of them. but still. so today i ran a marathon almost. the stupid people from Vern's wouldn't give my fries that i ordered at 11:45 and was told they would be done in 5 minutes. i got them at 12:05 our entry bell rings at around 12:00 to come back to school from lunch. and i don't know if you know how far away Vern's is from our school, but, on foot it is actually quite lengthy. i literally was running as fast as i could, slipped and almost fell three times. barged the classroom with fries and pop in my hand. and a fat jacket on my back felt like idiot, but i still made it on time, from Vern's to school in two minutes. so anyways i think in my next blog i am going to start explaining the play Othello and you know just like giving you guys a summary of the book. but in this blog i think i will introduce the characters.
so here you go
so here you go
- -Othello
- -Desdemona
- -Iago
- -Micheal Cassio
- -Emilia
- -Roderigo
- -Bianca
- -Brabantio
- -Duke of Venice
- -Montano
- -Lodovico
- -Graziano
- -Clown
those are the character that are through out the book. i only know who they are because I've read ahead a little just so that in class i understand it better. and don't feel dumb. so see you next time, when i let the summaries begin(I'm not going to do the whole book summary in one go)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
again moving away from my filler blogs, i just don't want to forget what i was going to write. so yesterday i had a science quiz. i only got like 20 minutes of studying, and we had to know what all the cells organs did in a animal and plant cell. i thought i was going to fail. but i guess i surprised myself. guess what i got? give up, ok , ill tell you i got 100%. i was so happy. i was like yaaaaaaaaaaaay!. oh and today wasn't a very good day for me. first i had a social quiz on everything i learned so far in social. i didn't do so bad on the multiple choice question. but what just killed me was written response. the reason i think i did so bad was because 1. i didn't know how to relate the two together according to my analysis of the two sources we were given to analyze 2. I'm the kind of guy that need to be isolated with no noise to think and i have to be chill(coldish), and i just couldn't focus when i was analyzing the sources. and the fact that i couldn't pick out the fact that Keynes and Friedman economics were in the sources, i mean if you just plain out told me that this is Keynes and this is Friedman i would have argued the shit out of that thing. i walked out of that computer lab with steam coming out of my ears. i was so angry. from now on I'm actually going to get into the habit of studying.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
so just real quickly moving away from my fillers to get a higher blog count. plus the fact that i don't want to forget what i was going to write. so today wasn't so bad actually, went to school. i read an interesting part of the play Othello. but like i said in earlier blogs ill save that for later. so anyways after i walked into soc class today i found out i have a quiz tomorrow. yay T_T. i was thinking in my head "omg, why now, if i don't study I'm going to fail". but then he gave us the concepts that we needed to know for the quiz. i believe its about 15 questions long. along with one short answer question. he gave us a hint about the short answer. so i am happy about that. he is going to give us to people's perspectives and we have to write about one or both. what I'm thinking is it is just going to be a argument of what we think is better or who is right.(referring to Keynes and Friedman's theory of the economy style so to speak). fun i know. so i just studied for about 15min read a little about Keynes, and now i know some things. and after this i am going to study more then blog again. see ya next time.
another blog relating to last week as some fillers. so on wensday we had our ia proposal. i am doing mohammud yunus. this man has his own loan company. what this man does is micro funding. what that is giving someone something like 100$ as a loan. his theory is if you don't give some one a chance, they will never succeed. so anyways with that hundred $ they could buy some wool. with the wool that he has just bought he can make it in to something. with that he can then sell the product he has created and make a profit from. eventually paying off his loan. and what he is doing is trying to create a world without poverty. i think its great that he is trying to end world poverty. also the fact that he is giving people a chance to live. so thats pretty much why i am going to do this guy for my assignment. see you later.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
On tuesday it was pretty much a plain day nothing exciting. In la we have started to read othello but I'll save that topic for some other blogs. In social, At the begging of the class we learned about another guys therie. I think it was the guy thought it would be better to use something called the trickle down system. It's were the government lowers taxs for the rich so the rich get more money. With that money they create more jobs. That means the middle class now have jobs to earn more money. When the middle class has money they tend to spend more. When they spend they create jobs for the lower class. Pretty much it just gets the economy circulating and creating this type of cycle. I thought it was pretty cool how the whole thing worked itself out. Anyways after that we had a debate that lasted only like 10 minutes. Although it was only 10 minutes some pretty good points were raised. Now gotta start on another blog see ya.
so this weekend I'm going to pretty much be decribing what I have done this week. mostly because we have to have 24 blogs by the end of this week. so these blogs are just going to be a bunch of fillers. one of my friends is did something like this but he talked about other things. it was hilarious because he had finished like 14 blogs in a hour and as easy as blogging sounds it's not that easy. I mean like I have said in past blogs I think there just overkill. so enjoy your description of my week
Friday, November 19, 2010
Well today is Monday an I think I am going to meet with the people who went with me to the Casey convention. We still have to create our action plan to actually get our 500 dollars for our project. So you know I'll probably go home at around 4:00. But I guess we finished most of our plans. I mean we know what we are going to do already. We have most of it planned out on the action plan calendar that they provided us with. All we have to do now clean our ideas up probably just tweak it a bit. I shouldn't be to hard. We have around 2 weeks to submit our plan to claim our 500$.
today in social we started to learned about economics. i think its kind of cool but boring at the same time. we learned about how kenysian economics, excuse me if i spelt the name worng. but what his theory was that if we gave the poor more money, the poor would spend money giving corporations more money to expand, thus creating more jobs. then the middle class can find more jobs. they can then work for the rich. finally the rich get money because the poor are spending money in there shops. so thats pretty much what we learned about.
today in social we started to learned about economics. i think its kind of cool but boring at the same time. we learned about how kenysian economics, excuse me if i spelt the name worng. but what his theory was that if we gave the poor more money, the poor would spend money giving corporations more money to expand, thus creating more jobs. then the middle class can find more jobs. they can then work for the rich. finally the rich get money because the poor are spending money in there shops. so thats pretty much what we learned about.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
so today was the remeberence day liturgy. i was about half the class who went and the rest were just there because they were in the band. it was kind of sad. they showed us a video and i think half the most of the girls in the school were crying. we even had a war veteren come and talk to us. but the thing about this war veteren was that he was kind of blunt about what he said. it sounded like he was forceing us to vote. but he did have a point, i mean we can change how the world operates. us as a people are very lazy. when we could be saving the lives of soldiers that are fighting, instead we're sitting on the couch watching the elections. but the thing is when we vote we dont know if the people we are voting for are going to keep their promises so thats what i think some people are scared of when they vote.
anyways im probably starting to make no sense anymore, so ill jsut move on to another topic. when we got bback from the celebration we talked for a bit then we started to slowly moved into a debat. i was funny cause every one got fired up. even mr. alger was fired up. but then again he told us at the begging of the year that he loves debates. me pesonally i just kept slipping in comments here and there. but there was this one person that i would always disagree with this one person and it was funny because she would get angry. but i think the topic was about war. and every one was saying that if we were attacked we should fight back. but its like gandi said "an i for an eye make the world blind". that is posibly my favorite quote in the entire world. the reason i like it so much is because its true.
anyways im probably starting to make no sense anymore, so ill jsut move on to another topic. when we got bback from the celebration we talked for a bit then we started to slowly moved into a debat. i was funny cause every one got fired up. even mr. alger was fired up. but then again he told us at the begging of the year that he loves debates. me pesonally i just kept slipping in comments here and there. but there was this one person that i would always disagree with this one person and it was funny because she would get angry. but i think the topic was about war. and every one was saying that if we were attacked we should fight back. but its like gandi said "an i for an eye make the world blind". that is posibly my favorite quote in the entire world. the reason i like it so much is because its true.
Friday, November 5, 2010
So on Wednesday I went to the CAWST convention, and I have to admit it was pretty fun. it was me(Patrick), Raymond, who were both in grade 10, also we had 4 others who we had accompanied, and their names were Jenifer, sally, jenessa, and Kristine. Some of it was kind of boring. And oh god it was horrible we had a vegetarian lunch, I couldn't even finish. I kind of feel bad about throwing it away but I think I would've been sick if I had taken another bite out of it. So Raymond and I just bought poutines. Off the topic of food because I'm starting to get hungry. We learned lots of interesting fact like how much water we actually use and now that I think about it I am a very horrible human being. Guess how much water I waste a day? Around 800l of water a day. we meet different people because they split the school teams up into other teams. in those new teams we had done little activities that helped us understand the importance of water, how it affected people in third world countries, how people even took dumps in their water supply. the farmers took their animal to take a crap in the water supply, that was the most unbelievable thing i had ever heard. Anyways after the activities with our new found friends.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
so either Tuesday or wens day is when i go on my CAWST trip so that kind of worries me i might have to wake up on Tuesday just in case. also it is at like 7:30 in the morning i have to go to school which is kind of a pain in the ass cause i live right beside the train station. so i have to walk 1km to the school, then walk around .75km back to the train station. but i was told if i get a written note from my mom i wouldn't have to. but i forgot so tough luck. i think i should just get a note from my mom saying that i have permission to leave early. anyways i think that its finally time for me to start fundraising. i think almost everyone in my class has started so they had something to blog about, while over on my computer i was sitting there like a freaking moron doing nothing, thinking of what to blog about. when i go tho i think itll be like a convention. so we just walk around listen to a couple of speakers. stuff like that. then we get back devise a plan to raise money with a $500 budget. i am hoping tho that we can come up with a good plan together. also i am hoping that this convention like thing isn't to boring. thankfully i have someone that i know going. so i guess we can just talk to each other, and we wont feel like total strangers to each other. after this thing i don't think that i am going to talk to any of the other students going with me. in general i think this convention is actually a good way to raise awareness to youth about the problem of clean water sustainability.
i have finally got all the information i need to begin on my country project. all i need to is put pictures in my power point. after that i am going to be making a script for myself. i pretty much had this whole week base on this one project. through out the week i would do all the research and be putting everything together. I found the on of the best sources every. It has every thing, but I can't use only one source so I'm going to combine all my sources. And I have to remember not to put to much information on my power point. Bu only on my script. The thing is I want to do good on this presentation. I am not ready to fail and repeat the social subject.
anyways on to a new subject like blogs i think they aren't very good for students in terms of stress. i actually think its over. i mean i know that the teachers are good all around when it comes to other subjects but still. with science and math it really is just to much. over the past week my brain literally almost exploded. i feel like the teachers get a kick out of watching us suffer. if i can i think i am going to get rid of this stupid blog mark. they made it worth so much. its not reasonable, it may only be 3 times a week but when you aren't very good at this stuff it gets kind of hard. also the fact that they got us sitting on the computer for about half and hour its not healthy, did you know only 10% of teens are active. teens eat more than past generations, why? STRESS. thank you that is all i have to say.
anyways on to a new subject like blogs i think they aren't very good for students in terms of stress. i actually think its over. i mean i know that the teachers are good all around when it comes to other subjects but still. with science and math it really is just to much. over the past week my brain literally almost exploded. i feel like the teachers get a kick out of watching us suffer. if i can i think i am going to get rid of this stupid blog mark. they made it worth so much. its not reasonable, it may only be 3 times a week but when you aren't very good at this stuff it gets kind of hard. also the fact that they got us sitting on the computer for about half and hour its not healthy, did you know only 10% of teens are active. teens eat more than past generations, why? STRESS. thank you that is all i have to say.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
well a couple days ago in the news i found out that some Chilean miners had a cave in. they were stuck 2 months and could not be pulled out until recently. there was some trouble with the structural stability of the mine. if they did not drill the hole with utmost precision they would have made the mine cave in killing the miners. they had to drill a hole from the top just enough to drop down water and food until they could be pulled out. according to CBC news the drilling went on for 33 days straight. man i don't think i would've survived living in a cave with but a tiny hole to get food water ad entertainment from. i envy those men and women who endured it until they were pulled out. to have that kind of will power. also i think that the country to deserves some praise as well. because they did not leave the miners to die but kept trying to find ways of getting them out and they did. i think that Chile has a amazing unity within the people. i mean every one knows each other and they're all good friends. i believe that all of the people that were found have been sent home to there families safely.if anybody wants to read more on this i will provide a link to the story. here you go enjoy
Sunday, October 17, 2010
well i have a a presentation that i must do and i think my brain is going to explode. me being the kind of person i am left everything to the end to do it. now i am stressing out. i still have so many blogs to do, and i have to research my country, and then i have to put it into a presentation. it has to be around 7-10 minutes long, and i am presenting in front of two classes. but thanks to ms. ponse(teacher at my school) who came into our class and talked about good strategies of how to present which, released some of that stress. then she showed us some examples of power points done last year. they were filled with pictures and graphs. and that was big for me because i usually cram my power points with words, i really need to get better at that. and also i have a living source,i have a friend from Chile like i mentioned in m other blog. he has agreed to help me, so naturally ii am very grateful. but i still have a long way to go if i want to get a good mark. what i was thinking of doing is making q-cards not just to read off of. i mean i would just memorize what to say. using the q-cards for reference if i forget something. one of the tips my teacher gave me was don't read off the presentation, it shows that we are unprepared. another tip was involve the audience make them a part of your presentation
Saturday, October 16, 2010
things fall apart
we have finally finished reading things fall apart(a while ago but the reason I'm writing this blog at the moment is because I've been a little busy and haven't had time for them so today I'm going to probably have five blogs written today). i couldnt believe that okonkwo killed himself, i mean i really wanted to see a war. but i guess that the writer had his reasons, i really enjoyed the book, and i have to admit the symbolism was phenomenal. although i knew the ending because every kept telling me it was going to happen, i could only imagine what okonkwo was feeling. a man who thought very highly of his culture and clan being reduced to nothing but a helpless people in front of the "Superior" white man. he could not deal with the fact that this was happening, his people not even being able to fight back. if they did fight back they would have been killed since the white man had military superiority and geographical luck on there side. the white man drove okonkwo to his death a once very great man made to resort to suicide as an escape. also the fact that the district commissioner thought he knew everything about umoufia. he thought that they were beneath him. i hate when someone looks down on me its so demeaning. i mean i am a pretty laid back guy but i don't let something like this go. if was was part of the clan i would join okonkwo with his rebellion. i can sort of relate to him. anyways that's just my opinion if you have another, just comment.
Monday, October 11, 2010
my country
chili, this is the country that i have chosen to research for my social project(mdg). the reason i have chosen this country is because i have a friend that that is actually from chili. we are very good friends and i wanted to learn more about this country. originally i was thinking of doing Lebanon, mostly because that is my background. but the reason i didn't is because my teacher said that i couldn't, so i was kinda sad but whatever. things that i know about chili are pretty much the basics. like for instance chili is located along the southwestern coast of south America. the estimated population at the moment is 15,153,797. they have just begun to form a new form of democracy. Chile has a free market economy. just the little details.
we have to research this country and also tie in the mdg goals within our research. i believe our first presentation is sometime in November. i think this is going to be very difficult for me so i have to pull my act together if i want to do well. i haven't even started and i have lots of other things i need to do as well. like i still need to get a book to read since i decided to get a book that my teacher referenced to me. anyways I'm done for this blog, until next time.
we have to research this country and also tie in the mdg goals within our research. i believe our first presentation is sometime in November. i think this is going to be very difficult for me so i have to pull my act together if i want to do well. i haven't even started and i have lots of other things i need to do as well. like i still need to get a book to read since i decided to get a book that my teacher referenced to me. anyways I'm done for this blog, until next time.
Friday, October 8, 2010
my mdg goal
For the mdg goals I have choosen environmental sustainability. And choose the sub goal that was provided as water sanitation. I have already made some palns for a trip to a complany thjat speciailizes in this category that is called CAWST. I believe that I will be attending some time in November as I was told by one of the teachesr at my school. The coool thing about it is there are five other sthat shall be going with me. Afterwards, us six are given $500 to come up with the idea to raise money and awareness in our school. I have already started brainstorming with myself because I don't know who else will be going with me whcih is making me kinda nervous, cause I won't know any of them and they're all in Grade 11 and 12 so I mightr be the only grade 10 going. That is only if I can't convince anyone else to do the same goial as me. Any ways back to brainstorming ideas. I was thinking of doing a bake sale ior something baybe even a barbeque because of the nice weather. The we could have it be like 50 cents of everything bought will be donated to CAWST. I wanna keep it simple, so I was also thinking that we could do something like guess how many jelly beans is in the jar. 50 cents a guess. Another thing I was thinking about was invovling a youth group that I am part of the squires and squirettes. A branch that is under the Knight of Columbus. Now moving on from my ideas which I know aren't very many right now. I have been instructed to pick a book that has some connection to our MDG goals. The book I have chosen to read 'The River Runs Black'. From what I've read online it takes place in China.
Friday, September 24, 2010
mdg thoughts
i am a grade 10 student doing a year long project on the millennium development goals. the goals were created to end the global problems. the leaders that wanted to do something about the problems in modern day society, got together and created 8 global goals that are apparently going to met by the year 2015. me personally i don't think that we can achieve all 8 by 2015 but i do believe that in due time we can achieve them, but only when the world actually starts to care about what and where their living. and when they start to clean up their act we can work towards these goals. the decision we make any where in the world can effect the whole world. just like throwing a pebble into the water, it makes a ripple and the ripple grows. in the world when we do something the effect of that action keeps growing.
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