chili, this is the country that i have chosen to research for my social project(mdg). the reason i have chosen this country is because i have a friend that that is actually from chili. we are very good friends and i wanted to learn more about this country. originally i was thinking of doing Lebanon, mostly because that is my background. but the reason i didn't is because my teacher said that i couldn't, so i was kinda sad but whatever. things that i know about chili are pretty much the basics. like for instance chili is located along the southwestern coast of south America. the estimated population at the moment is 15,153,797. they have just begun to form a new form of democracy. Chile has a free market economy. just the little details.
we have to research this country and also tie in the mdg goals within our research. i believe our first presentation is sometime in November. i think this is going to be very difficult for me so i have to pull my act together if i want to do well. i haven't even started and i have lots of other things i need to do as well. like i still need to get a book to read since i decided to get a book that my teacher referenced to me. anyways I'm done for this blog, until next time.
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