so today was the remeberence day liturgy. i was about half the class who went and the rest were just there because they were in the band. it was kind of sad. they showed us a video and i think half the most of the girls in the school were crying. we even had a war veteren come and talk to us. but the thing about this war veteren was that he was kind of blunt about what he said. it sounded like he was forceing us to vote. but he did have a point, i mean we can change how the world operates. us as a people are very lazy. when we could be saving the lives of soldiers that are fighting, instead we're sitting on the couch watching the elections. but the thing is when we vote we dont know if the people we are voting for are going to keep their promises so thats what i think some people are scared of when they vote.
anyways im probably starting to make no sense anymore, so ill jsut move on to another topic. when we got bback from the celebration we talked for a bit then we started to slowly moved into a debat. i was funny cause every one got fired up. even mr. alger was fired up. but then again he told us at the begging of the year that he loves debates. me pesonally i just kept slipping in comments here and there. but there was this one person that i would always disagree with this one person and it was funny because she would get angry. but i think the topic was about war. and every one was saying that if we were attacked we should fight back. but its like gandi said "an i for an eye make the world blind". that is posibly my favorite quote in the entire world. the reason i like it so much is because its true.
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