Sunday, October 31, 2010

so either Tuesday or wens day is when i go on my CAWST trip so that kind of worries me i might have to wake up on Tuesday just in case. also it is at like 7:30 in the morning i have to go to school which is kind of a pain in the ass cause i live right beside the train station. so i have to walk 1km to the school, then walk around .75km back to the train station. but i was told if i get a written note from my mom i wouldn't have to. but i forgot so tough luck. i think i should just get a note from my mom saying that i have permission to leave early. anyways i think that its finally time for me to start fundraising. i think almost everyone in my class has started so they had something to blog about, while over on my computer i was sitting there like a freaking moron doing nothing, thinking of what to blog about. when i go tho i think itll be like a convention. so we just walk around listen to a couple of speakers. stuff like that. then we get back devise a plan to raise money with a $500 budget. i am hoping tho that we can come up with a good plan together. also i am hoping that this convention like thing isn't to boring. thankfully i have someone that i know going. so i guess we can just talk to each other, and we wont feel like total strangers to each other. after this thing i don't think that i am going to talk to any of the other students going with me. in general i think this convention is actually a good way to raise awareness to youth about the problem of clean water sustainability.
i have finally got all the information i need to begin on my country project. all i need to is put pictures in my power point. after that i am going to be making a script for myself. i pretty much had this whole week base on this one project. through out the week i would do all the research and be putting everything together. I found the on of the best sources every. It has every thing, but I can't use only one source so I'm going to combine all my sources. And I have to remember not to put to much information on my power point. Bu only on my script. The thing is I want to do good on this presentation. I am not ready to fail and repeat the social subject.

anyways on to a new subject like blogs i think they aren't very good for students in terms of stress. i actually think its over. i mean i know that the teachers are good all around when it comes to other subjects but still. with science and math it really is just to much. over the past week my brain literally almost exploded. i feel like the teachers get a kick out of watching us suffer. if i can i think i am going to get rid of this stupid blog mark. they made it worth so much. its not reasonable, it may only be 3 times a week but when you aren't very good at this stuff it gets kind of hard. also the fact that they got us sitting on the computer for about half and hour its not healthy, did you know only 10% of teens are active. teens eat more than past generations, why? STRESS. thank you that is all i have to say.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

well a couple days ago in the news i found out that some Chilean miners had a cave in. they were stuck 2 months and could not be pulled out until recently. there was some trouble with the structural stability of the mine. if they did not drill the hole with utmost precision they would have made the mine cave in killing the miners. they had to drill a hole from the top just enough to drop down water and food until they could be pulled out. according to CBC news the drilling went on for 33 days straight. man i don't think i would've survived living in a cave with but a tiny hole to get food water ad entertainment from. i envy those men and women who endured it until they were pulled out. to have that kind of will power. also i think that the country to deserves some praise as well. because they did not leave the miners to die but kept trying to find ways of getting them out and they did. i think that Chile has a amazing unity within the people. i mean every one knows each other and they're all good friends. i believe that all of the people that were found have been sent home to there families safely.if anybody wants to read more on this i will provide a link to the story. here you go enjoy

Sunday, October 17, 2010


well i have a a presentation that i must do and i think my brain is going to explode. me being the kind of person i am left everything to the end to do it. now i am stressing out. i still have so many blogs to do, and i have to research my country, and then i have to put it into a presentation. it has to be around 7-10 minutes long, and i am presenting in front of two classes. but thanks to ms. ponse(teacher at my school) who came into our class and talked about good strategies of how to present which, released some of that stress. then she showed us some examples of power points done last year. they were filled with pictures and graphs. and that was big for me because i usually cram my power points with words, i really need to get better at that. and also i have a living source,i have a friend from Chile like i mentioned in m other blog. he has agreed to help me, so naturally ii am very grateful. but i still have a long way to go if i want to  get a good mark. what i was thinking of doing is making q-cards not just to read off of. i mean i would just memorize what to say. using the q-cards for reference if i forget something. one of the tips my teacher gave me was don't read off the presentation, it shows that we are unprepared. another tip was involve the audience make them a part of your presentation

Saturday, October 16, 2010

things fall apart

we have finally finished reading things fall apart(a while ago but the reason I'm writing this blog at the moment is because I've been a little busy and haven't had time for them so today I'm going to probably have five blogs written today). i couldnt believe that okonkwo killed himself, i mean i really wanted to see a war. but i guess that the writer had his reasons, i really enjoyed the book, and i have to admit the symbolism was phenomenal. although i knew the ending because every kept telling me it was going to happen, i could only imagine what okonkwo was feeling. a man who thought very highly of his culture and clan being reduced to nothing but a helpless people in front of the "Superior" white man. he could not deal with the fact that this was happening, his people not even being able to fight back. if they did fight back they would have been killed since the white man had military superiority and geographical luck on there side. the white man drove okonkwo to his death a once very great man made to resort to  suicide as an escape. also the fact that the district commissioner thought he knew everything about umoufia. he thought that they were beneath him. i hate when someone looks down on me its so demeaning. i mean i am a pretty laid back guy but i don't let something like this go. if was was part of the clan i would join okonkwo with his rebellion. i can sort of relate to him. anyways that's just my opinion if you have another, just comment.

Monday, October 11, 2010

my country

chili, this is the country that i have chosen to research for my social project(mdg). the reason i have chosen this country is because i have a friend that that is actually from chili. we are very  good friends and i wanted to learn more about this country. originally i was thinking of doing Lebanon, mostly because that is my background. but the reason i didn't is because my teacher said that i couldn't, so i was kinda sad but whatever. things that i know about chili are pretty much the basics. like for instance chili is located along the southwestern coast of south America. the estimated population at the moment is 15,153,797. they have just begun to form a new form of democracy. Chile has a free market economy. just the little details.
we have to research this country and also tie in the mdg goals within our research. i believe our first presentation is sometime in November. i think this is going to be very difficult for me so i have to pull my act together if i want to do well. i haven't even started and i have lots of other things i need to do as well. like i still need to get a book to read since i decided to get a book that my teacher referenced to me. anyways I'm done for this blog, until next time.

Friday, October 8, 2010

my mdg goal

For the mdg goals I have choosen  environmental sustainability. And choose the sub goal that was provided as water sanitation. I have already made some palns for a trip to a complany thjat speciailizes in this category that is called CAWST. I believe that I will be attending some time in November as I was told by one of the teachesr at my school. The coool thing about it is there are five other sthat shall be going with me. Afterwards, us six are given $500 to come up with the idea to raise money and awareness in our school. I have already started brainstorming with myself because I don't know who else will be going with me whcih is making me kinda nervous, cause I won't know any of them and they're all in Grade 11 and 12 so I mightr be the only grade 10 going. That is only if I can't convince anyone else to do the same goial as me. Any ways back to brainstorming ideas. I was thinking of doing a bake sale ior something baybe even a barbeque because of the nice weather. The we could have it be like 50 cents of everything bought will be donated to CAWST. I wanna keep it simple, so I was also thinking that we could do something like guess how many jelly beans is in the jar. 50 cents a guess. Another thing I was thinking about was invovling a youth group that I am part of the squires and squirettes. A branch that is under the Knight of Columbus. Now moving on from my ideas which I know aren't very many right now. I have been instructed to pick a book that has some connection to our MDG goals. The book I have chosen to read 'The River Runs Black'. From what I've read online it takes place in China.